Ai Weiwei

D.O.B. & Nationality: 1957 / Chinese

Ai Weiwei. Born in 1957, he is a renowned Chinese artist. With an array of installations, sculptures, and architectural works to his name, Weiwei plays in the profound leagues of contemporary art. Pioneering works like "Forever Bicycles" and "Remembering" showcase his knack for using everyday objects in a visually striking way. This prowess, coupled with his fearless social commentary, has cemented his place in the art world. His distinctive style carries influence and relevance across geographical boundaries and cultural contexts. Innovation and impact personified, Ai Weiwei continues to leave an indelible mark on the canvas of global art.

Creative Styles

Contemporary, Political, Provocative, Symbolic, Transformative

Ai Weiwei Inspired AI Art

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